How Taking Magic Classes Can Boost Your Child’s Confidence

What images does the phrase ‘magic class’ conjure up for you?

Magic wands? Elaborate magic boxes? Kids wearing black capes and top hats?

Taking magic classes can be a lot of fun — but, after learning some amazing tricks, what else can your child gain?

Keep reading for a ‘behind the scenes’ look at one of the lessons my students took away from a recent magic class I taught in Brooklyn, NY. magic class for kids

March 4th, 2015 – it was the first day of The Magic Club at an independent school in Brooklyn, NY.

Once a week for the next 12 weeks, it was my job to teach the class the secrets of magic. 

On the first day of The Magic Club, one of the participants confided that she was scared to perform in front of others. She was not alone…

You could feel the tension in the room: “Do we have to perform at the end of 12 weeks?” the looks on their faces appealed.

From the get-go, The Magic Club was more than a meeting place for budding magicians: it was a space for developing confidence in themselves, their abilities and each other.

Day by day, week by week, I saw the students’ confidence grow. They practiced magic tricks on their own, progressed to sharing with a partner, and ultimately started sharing in front of the entire class.

And then, the big day arrived: it was time for the Magic Club to perform in front of a live audience.

Teachers, parents, grandparents and siblings packed the room. We ran out of chairs, and before we knew it, it was standing-room-only!

The lights dimmed… a hush… and the first student walked onto the stage…

“Hi, my name is….”

And just like that – a coin vanished!

A silk appeared from thin air!

A selected playing card was shuffled in a deck and magically revealed!

One-by-one, each student managed to summon the courage to stand up and face their fear of performing head on. 

After each magic trick, the room erupted with applause. The kids were beaming.

A parent pulled me aside after the performance to say, “My son had an amazing time and it was clear from the share that all the students really took away so much magic and learning. Thank you.”

Yes, in addition to learning how to perform magic tricks, my students learned a lesson that was even more valuable. 

With hard work and determination, you can build the skills and confidence needed to do that which seemed impossible just a few short weeks ago.

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