How to Help Your Guests Arrive On Time

Have you ever felt like this when guests show up late to your child’s party?

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If so, you’re not alone…

It’s not easy planning a birthday party — and late arrivals can only make planning activities, entertainment and food more complicated for you.

Follow these simple steps to encourage guests to be prompt so everyone can enjoy the party!

  • Start on the quarter hour. For example, begin at 2:15 or 2:45 p.m. I learned this technique from a professional meeting planner years ago… It works!
  • Add the word(s) Sharp or On the Dotafter the start time. This will help plant the time in your guest minds. Example- 2:15 p.m. On the Dot.
  • Request that your guests be on time. This should go without saying, but you need to say it. Use the words, “Please be on time” on your invitation. Most people will respond when asked.
  • Reminders should go out one week before the party. You can mail a postcard or you can send out an email. is great online source for managing invitations. Just state something like, “Don’t forget, Billy’s birthday party is Saturday at 2:15 p.m. Sharp. We look forward to seeing you there!”
  • Add a Fudge Factor. Unfortunately, no matter what you do, chances are there will be some stragglers. As a parent, you understand that things happen!
  • Therefore, its best to begin any activities or entertainment 30 minutes after your start time. Plus, it gives kids a chance to let off some steam.

Use these 5 tips to get your guests to arrive on time.

And remember to relax and enjoy the party — it’s your special day, too!

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