How to Keep the “Holy” in Your Child’s First Holy Communion

First Communion

Planning your child’s First Communion?

I remember my First Communion like it was yesterday…

…the silver cross from my grandparents, the shiny black dress shoes, and the moment I did a lunge/stretch and hearing my father go, “Oh no… don’t stretch in your new dress shoes!”

I was 8 years old….still just a kid…

As a parent, it can be tough trying to balance the holiness and fun of celebrating your child’s First Communion.

I recently came across an article on CatholicLink that can help. It’s about keeping the ‘holy’ in your child’s ‘First Holy Communion,’ and Becky Roach’s has a lot of valuable insight.

In her article, “7 Tips for Keeping the ‘Holy’ in First Holy Communion,” she gives 7 tips:

  1. Lead by example.
  2. Share stories.
  3. Emphasize the Real Presence.
  4. Take time for prayer.
  5. Go to Confession.
  6. Choose a gift wisely.
  7. Frequent the Sacrament as often as you can.

Follow these tips, and you can ensure the holiness of this special occasion isn’t lost.

Want to make your child’s First Communion is fun, too? Call me, Magic Evan!

April & May are really busy months for First Communions in NYC, so don’t delay…

…pick up the phone and call me @ (855) 624-4238 to check your date before it’s too late!

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