7 Deceptively Simple Tips for Planning a NYC Birthday Party

Planning a birthday party in NYC?

Follow these 7 birthday party planning tips to make your life easier (and your child’s party more fun, too!)

  1. Make a schedule of activities. A party timeline will give you both the structure and, subsequently, the freedom to go with the flow and adapt as needed.

  2. Call for backup. Have a friend run out and pick up the food, or load the dishwasher and clean up the kitchen—this will save you lots of time and energy.

  3. Serve healthy snacks. Sugar highs are likely to be followed by cranky sugar lows, and when it happens to a whole group, look out!

  4. Have an extra training potty on hand if the guests are potty training. Sometimes if one kid realizes they have to pee, suddenly (like magic!) everyone else does too.

  5. Talk to your child about behavior. Remind your son or daughter about the importance of playing with all of his or her friends, thanking every guest for coming, and then again for the gift they bring.

  6. Turn the TV off. Televisions, open laptops and cell phones will lure guests away from the party.

  7. Have an extra slice of birthday cake. It doesn’t count… I promise!

Want to make your child’s party extra fun and memorable?

Contact me, Magic Evan!


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