Planning an in-person socially distant birthday party? Even though it’s riskier, more families are finding creative ways to celebrate together during COVID-19. As a professional magician, I’ve helped parents plan some amazing in-person birthday parties that leave the kids beaming with joy, belly-laughing and thanking their parents for the “most FUN party ever!” In
It looks like real magic. It feels like real magic. I know the secret… and it’s STILL amazing. That’s why I consider this to be one of the greatest impromptu close-up effects in magic. What is the effect? Like all of the greatest effects in magic, it’s simple: the magician makes a coin magically melt
Looking for summer activities for kids during the coronavirus pandemic? Worried about the risks of sending the kids to camp? You’re not alone. During this time of fear and uncertainty, parents around the world are scrambling to come up with creative summer activities for their kids. The good news is that it’s still possible to
Visually amazing and super fun to perform, the Vanishing Ball is one of my favorites in the Trick of the Week series. Check it out and learn the secret by watching the video below. Happy practicing! Materials Transparent cup An opaque cloth or napkin tin foil rolled into a ball
Today’s Trick of the Week falls on my birthday (woo hoo!), so let’s celebrate with not just one but TWO awesome magic tricks! First, watch/learn the Jumping Rubber Band. Then follow it up with a version that looks twice as visual and amazing (but uses the same move). Happy practicing, and most importantly, have fun!
Is this one rubber band or two? Watch the video below to find out (and learn the clever secret) Enjoy this Trick of the Week! Materials Rubber band
Planning a zoom birthday party? Since “zoom birthdays” weren’t even a thing a couple of weeks ago, it’s hard to know where to begin! Well, it’s time to get inspired 💡 If I were you, I’d be asking myself, “Why should I listen to YOU?” It’s a good question! So let me introduce myself. My
I remember reading about this trick when I was a kid! It’s one of those magic tricks that’s as fun to practice as it is to perform. Learn how to turn a penny into a half dollar (or a smaller object into a larger one) by watching the video below. After learning the secret, feel
Ready to conjure up some fun? This gravity-defying feat will do the trick! Materials: a dollar bill quarter
I just had a blast performing a virtual magic show for a birthday party in San Diego, California. Keep reading to see how this family took their socially-distanced birthday to a whole new level! A Magical Virtual Birthday Party The guest of honor, Isaiah, was turning 11. Because Isaiah loves card tricks and sleight-of-hand, his Mom