How Cold is Too Cold for an Outdoor Birthday Party?

too cold outdoor birthday

Especially when kids and the elderly are involved, this is a question to give some serious consideration.

I’ve performed for a lot of outdoor birthday parties, and have found there’s not just one right answer.   

Here are 5 questions you should ask before determining whether it’s too cold for an outdoor birthday. 

What’s the wind chill?

I recommend paying attention to the wind chill – and not just the temperature.

Sure, the thermometer might read 36°F; however, if the wind chill is 20°, then exposed skin will freeze as if it were 20° 🥶

If the wind chill below 32°, then you’ll find a virtual, hybrid and/or indoor party is safer and more comfortable.

How will you be celebrating? 

Will everyone be running around and playing tag? Watching a magic show? Drinking hot chocolate? 

If guests are staying bundled up and generating a lot of body heat, then then they will likely be able to stay outside longer. 

How long will the birthday party be? 

In temperatures 13° to 31°, it’s important to layer up and take indoor breaks every 20-30 minutes.

If this is not possible, then consider celebrating indoors or virtually. 

Will the location, layers – and other variables – make guests feel more comfortable?  

There are a few more things that can make a big difference.  

For example, I’ve performed for a lot of outdoor birthday parties that take place in either tents or garages.

Inside the garage (with the garage door open), it can feel a few degrees warmer than it does outside. 

Also, lots of layers, outdoor space heaters, blankets, and/or a fire pit can make it possible to celebrate outside – even in the middle of winter.  

Okay, here’s the super quick re-cap…

Is it too cold for an outdoor birthday? The questions above should point you in the right direction.

Want to make your party the most fun and magical one yet? Contact me, Magic Evan!

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